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Wellness Farm Inc

At A Glance

| The Wellness Farm is a 66 acre farm located in Southern York County, Shrewsbury Township, 4 miles West of Stewartstown. PA 17363.

Hiking in the woods can be the road less traveled and serve as part of the activity and environmental connection that is longed for but which we starve ourselves from. The swimming pool provides a water element and serves as a gathering place to meet and interact with others while children are engaged in their primary work of play. Berry picking allows each of us to be thankful for our country’s bounty and realize where and how our food grows and its links to the soil, pollinators, weather and farmers. With beautiful bucketful of blueberries I often burst forth with blessings to the LORD for His bounty!

The Umbrella

The Wellness Farm, Inc. is the umbrella web site for the farm, swimming pool, sweetpotatoes, fat control skinfold calipers, and The Wellness Educational Center (non-profit organization) and other activities.

We are committed

The Wellness Farm is a teaching/learning center for blending body, mind, and spirit. The mission of The Wellness Farm is two fold: 1) to help those who need to make wellness/lifestyle changes; 2) for those who want to assemble together to learn, affirm and/or celebrate life through a variety of activities including: Pick-Your-Own bramble berries, a private/community swimming pool and educational gatherings. The Wellness Farm is co-directed by Bev and Jack in harmony with the Spirit. Collectively they have over 65 years of educational experience in teaching, leading workshops.


19310 Dutton Rd

Stewartstown, PA 17363
